%0 Journal Article %T CARACTERISATIONS ENERGETIQUE ET ENVIRONNEMENTALE DE LA BIOMETHANISATION PILOTE APPLIQUEE AUX DEJECTIONS ANIMALES %A Y. M¡¯SADAK %A R. I %A ZOGHLAMI %A S. BARAKET %J Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences %D 2012 %I El Oued University %X This study interested in monitoring energy (quantitative and qualitative) and environmental performances at various pilot digesters of animal biomass.Main results are:The combined effect of the diet and the substrate on quantitative experimental productivity of gas is in favor of poultry digesters continuously fed. The biogas produced has better potential especially in industry. The environmental evaluation virtually shows a certain interest on the depollution for industrial digester. %K Animal biomass %K pilot digester %K gas quantitative productivity %K gas composition %K calorific value %K depollution balance sheet. %U http://jfas.info/index.php/JFAS/article/view/91/pdf