%0 Journal Article %T Motor and sports activities as a good means against of drug use %A PAVOL BART¨ŞK %J Journal of Human Sport and Exercise %D 2012 %I University of Alicante %X The author in his article solves the problems of drug dependence among young people and the problems of sport as a good means against drug dependence. The research sample consisted of 749 pupils of basic and secondary schools in the region of Bansk¨˘ Bystrica - 342 boys and 407 girls. The main research method was a questionnaire. The author found out that 54% of sportsmen and 37.75% of nonsportsmen said that sport is a good means against drug dependence. It is surprising that more than 25% of sportsmen did not know that sport could be a good means against drugs dependence. More than 44% of pupils said that they did not think that sportsmen do not take drugs. The author recommends putting more attention in drug prevention on education of young people in the family and also at schools. %K DRUG DEPENDENCE %K PUPILS %K SPORT %U http://dx.doi.org/10.4100/jhse.2012.7.Proc1.16