%0 Journal Article %T On the Legitimacy of Representation During the Transition towards Democracy %A Ioan Alexandru %J EIRP Proceedings %D 2012 %I Danubius University %X From the very beginning we need to mention the fact that legitimacy as a social fact does notnecessary coincide with the legitimacy that grants the legal character, although normally the doubtsconcerning the legitimacy of an action, of a process, of an authority or of an institution represent the source ofmistrust and are questioning their legality. (Rosanvallon, 2010, pp. 21-29) With other words, it is not enoughfor a process to observe the regal requirements, nor for a qualified and legally authorized or recognized bodytake a favourable decision. The legitimacy involves trust and total and active acceptance of the majority ofcitizens towards the result of the actions of institutions and of the relevant public persons. %K democracy %K legitimacy %K institution %K transition %U http://www.proceedings.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/eirp/article/view/1273/1171