%0 Journal Article %T FROM ¡®LOVE ETHIC¡¯ TO ¡®THE HISTORY OF CONTEMPO- RARY THOUGHT IN TURKEY¡¯: HILMI ZIYA ULKEN IN TURKISH SOCIOLOGY - A K AHLAKI¡¯NDAN T¨¹RK YE¡¯DE A DA D¨¹ ¨¹NCE TAR H ¡¯NE: T¨¹RK SOSYOLOJ S ¡¯NDE H LM Z YA ¨¹LKEN %A Y¨¹cel BULUT %J Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies %D 2012 %I %X Hilmi Ziya Ulken is an important figure in the history of Turkish sociological thought due to his institutional and theoretical contributions. He did not merely supply academic works and materials to his discipline but spent his lifetime establishing and developing associations, institutes and periodicals. In this respect, Ulken played a vital role in the re-institutionalization process of the Department of Sociology in the Faculty of Letters of Istanbul University. He was also the founder of a journal named Sosyoloji Dergisi [Journal of Sociology], published between the years 1941 and 1968. Ulken believed that there was a need for coordination and cooperation among Turkish sociologists. In order to maintain such a millieux, he encouraged establishing associations and institutes. Hilmi Ziya Ulken insisted that Turkish sociologists become familiar with the world¡¯s sociology and philosophy literature. He therefore championed periodicals in the bid to to achieve the above-mentioned familiarity.In this article, beyond telling the life story of Hilmi Ziya Ulken together with his bib- liography, his sociological views on the central problems of Turkish state and society are analysed through his works. zetHilmi Ziya ¨¹lken¡¯in, sosyolojinin T¨¹rkiye¡¯deki geli imine -gerek kurumsal ve gerek- se de teorik anlamda- yapt katk lar saymakla bitmez. Yaln zca u ra verdi i disiplin er evesinde akademik ¨¹retimlerde bulunmakla kalmam ; T¨¹rkiye¡¯de sosyolojinin [ve felsefenin] kurumla mas amac yla dernekler ve enstit¨¹ler kurmak, dergiler karmak ve var olanlar n daha da geli ebilmesi ve uluslararas akademik evrelerle ileti ime girebilmesi i in yo un u ra vermi tir. Bu er evede, stanbul ¨¹niversitesi Edebiyat Fak¨¹ltesi Sosyo- loji K¨¹rs¨¹s¨¹¡¯n¨¹n yeniden kurumla mas nda etkin bir rol oynam t r. 1942¡¯den ba layarak 1968¡¯e kadar yay nlanan Sosyoloji Dergisi¡¯ni yay n hayat na kazand rm t r. T¨¹rkiye¡¯de toplumun sosyolojik bilgisinin ¨¹retilebilmesi i in ara t rma enstit¨¹lerinin kurulmas na nc¨¹l¨¹k etmi tir. T¨¹rkiye¡¯de sosyal bilimler alan nda al ma yapanlar n birbirlerinden haberdar olmalar ve birbirlerine destek olmalar i in derneklerin kurulmas gereklili ine olan inanc n daima dile getirmi , bu d¨¹ ¨¹ncelerini ger ekle tirebilmek i in e itli giri- imlerde bulunmu tur. Bir di er nemli katk s da, T¨¹rkiye¡¯de sosyolojiyle u ra anlar n d¨¹nyadaki sosyolojik -ve hatta felsef - geli meleri en h zl ve en geni bi imde takip ede- bilmeleri temin eden yay nlar d r.Bu yaz da, Hilmi Ziya ¨¹lken¡¯in hayat hikayesini anlatmak, eserlerinin bir bibliyog- rafyas n sunmak veya kal %K Hilmi Ziya ¨¹lken %K Ziya G kalp %K Sociology in Turkey %K The History of the Contemporary Thought in Turkey %K Prince Sabahattin (Sabahattin Bey) %K T¨¹rkiye¡¯de Sosyoloji %K a da la ma %U http://www.journals.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/index.php/iktisatsosyoloji/article/view/19366/18455