%0 Journal Article %T Antibodies to the Vi capsule of Salmonella Typhi in the serum of typhoid patients and healthy control subjects from a typhoid endemic region %A Deborah House1 %A 2 %A Vo A. Ho4 %A To S. Diep5 %A Nguyen T. Chinh6 %A Phan V. Bay4 %A Ha Vinh5 %A Minh Duc4 %A Christopher M. Parry2 %A 3 %A Gordon Dougan1 %A Nicholas J. White2 %A 3 %A Jeremy J. Farrar2 %A 3 %A Tran Tinh Hien5 %A John Wain2 %A 3 %J Journal of Infection in Developing Countries %D 2008 %I Open Learning on Enteric Pathogens %X Background: There is very little published data on the antibody response to the Vi capsular polysaccharide (Vi-CPS) of S. Typhi during naturally acquired typhoid fever in an endemic area.Methodology: An indirect ELISA, using tyraminated, purified Vi-CPS, was used to assay anti-Vi-CPS antibodies from typhoid fever cases and controls living in the Ho Chi Minh City and Mekong Delta region of Viet Nam.Results: Antibody response to Vi-CPS is significantly higher in typhoid patients who have been ill for more than two weeks than those who are in the first two weeks of illness. The anti-Vi-CPS response is similar for adults and children. Anti-Vi-CPS antibodies can be detected in the sera of non-typhoid patients. The frequency with which this occurs increases with age, probably reflecting increased exposure to S. Typhi.Conclusions: Anti-Vi_CPS is elicited in persons infected with S. Typhi but only after a prolonged duration of illness. Vaccine trials have shown anti-Vi-CPS antibodies to be protective; thus early treatment of typhoid patients, i.e. in the first two week of illness before the Vi-CPS response is elicited, may inhibit the development of this protective immune response. %K capsule %K Salmonella Typhi %K typhoid fever %K antibodies %K Viet Nam %K Vietnam %U http://www.jidc.org/issn1972-2680/current-issue/68-vol-2-no-4-august-2008/169-antibodies-to-the-vi-capsule-of-salmonella-typhi-in-the-serum-of-typhoid-patients-and-healthy-control-subjects-from-a-typhoid-endemic-region