%0 Journal Article %T A case of unilateral dysmenorrhea %A Borah Tulon %A Das Ananya %A Panda Subrat %A Singh Santa %J Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences %D 2010 %I Medknow Publications %X Unilateral dysmenorrhea in an adolescent may be associated with uterine malformation. Relevant investigations in suspected cases and timely intervention can prevent future complications in such cases. Here, we present a case of unicornuate uterus with rudimentary horn in an adolescent complaining of unilateral dysmenorrhea. %K Rudimentary horn %K unilateral dysmenorrhea %K uterine malformation %U http://www.jhrsonline.org/article.asp?issn=0974-1208;year=2010;volume=3;issue=3;spage=158;epage=159;aulast=Borah