%0 Journal Article %T A SURVEY ON ENERGY EFFICIENT MODULATION AND CODING TECHNIQUES FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS %A M. Sheik Dawood %J Journal of Global Research in Computer Science %D 2013 %I Journal of Global Research in Computer Science %X : A standard Wireless Sensor Network comprises of a huge number of sensor nodes with data processing and communication capabilities. The sensor nodes pass the gathered data using radio transmitter, to a sink either straightforwardly or through other nodes in a multi-hop approach. Wireless sensor network is a power consuming system, since nodes perform on restricted power batteries which decreases its lifetime. Optimally selected modulation and coding is extremely vital technique in wireless sensor networks. This paper surveys the performance of differentmodulation schemes and error control codes used in sensor networks. The survey also analyzes the role of modulation and coding techniquesto improve the energy efficiency, bandwidth efficiency and lifetime of the sensor nodes. Keywords: Sensor Network, Modulation, Energy Efficiency, Coding %U http://www.jgrcs.info/index.php/jgrcs/article/view/589