%0 Journal Article %T WEBER¡¯S ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY: ECONOMIC WELTANSCHAUUNG AS A KEY TO UNDERSTAND THE CIVILISATION - WEBER¡¯IN IKTISAT SOSYOLOJISI: UYGARLI I ANLAMANIN ANAHTARI OLARAK IKTISADI ZIHNIYET %A L¨¹tfi SUNAR %J Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies %D 2012 %I %X Weber has an important place in the making of sociology an empirical science. He is also known as the founder of many sub-fields of sociology, including economic sociology. Weber¡¯s sociology aims to explain modernity around rationalization by positioning it in a historical developmental context. To explain modernity Weber had a broad sociological base in his later studies although he had a narrower historical perspective in his earlier studies. In this context his economic sociology has an expanding vision to construct the development of modernity. As a result of a double break in 1904 and 1909, his scope trans- formed toward a world-historical level with his studies on the economic ethics of world religions. He tried to explain the development of modernity with the development of the capitalist spirit, which means rationalization of the world. In this way, he wanted to reach a universal outlook of modernity. So, one may state that at the heart of Weber¡¯s economic sociology lies an analysis of economic mentality. As a result, his economic sociology may be explained as the master key to enable understanding of Weber¡¯s social theory. zet ktisat sosyolojisi de dahil sosyolojinin pek ok alt al ma alan n n kurucusu olarak zikredilen Weber¡¯in sosyolojinin ampirik bir bilim olmas nda nemli bir yeri vard r. Weber¡¯in sosyolojisi ak lc la ma ekseninde mukayeseli uygarl klar tarihi al malar yla modernitenin a klanmas ve tarihsel bir geli me izgisine yerle tirilmesi er evesinde olu mu tur. Ka- pitalizmin olu umu ba lam nda iktisadi a klamalar Weber¡¯in sosyolojisinin b¨¹y¨¹k l ¨¹de bir iktisat sosyolojisi olarak ekillenmesine de yol a m t r. lk al malar nda daha ok tarih i bir perspektife sahip olan Weber sonraki al malar nda modernitenin a klanmas i in daha sosyolojik bir zemine kaym t r. Bu ba lamda Weber¡¯in iktisat sosyolojisi moder- nitenin ele al n bi imine g re geni leyen bir ilgiye sahiptir. lk eserlerinde modernitenin e itli yap lar n n k kenlerinin a klanmas ile u ra an Weber 1904 ve 1909¡¯da ya anan iki k r lma neticesinde gittik e d¨¹nya tarihsel bir a klama ve temellendirmeye ula mak i in daha geni apl al malara giri mi tir. Bu tarihten sonra d¨¹nya dinlerinin iktisadi eti ine dair yazd klar Weber¡¯in modernitenin evrensel bir a klamas pe inde oldu unu g stermektedir. B ylece Weber¡¯in iktisat sosyolojisinin oda nda uygarl anlaman n anahtar olarak g rd¨¹ ¨¹ iktisadi zihniyet z¨¹mlemesinin bulundu u ileri s¨¹r¨¹lebilir. %K Weber %K rationalization %K mentality %K economic sociology %K history of civilizations %K economic ethic %K ak lc la ma %K zihniyet %K iktisat sosyolojisi %K uygarl k tarihi %K iktisadi etik %U http://www.journals.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/index.php/iktisatsosyoloji/article/view/18511/17732