%0 Journal Article %T Representation of Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Refugee Affairs In Hungarian Dailies %A Lilla VICSEK %A Roland KESZI %A Marcell M¨˘RKUS %J Journal of Identity and Migration Studies %D 2008 %I Research Centre on Identity and Migration Studies-RCIMI, University of Oradea %X How does the press in Hungary write about refugees, asylum-seekers and refugee affairs? We sought to answer this question. Articles appearing in 2005 and 2006 in two leading national Hungarian dailies were examined with quantitative content analysis. The results show that the articles analyzed often treat refugee affairs as an ˇ°officialˇ± political matter. The high proportion of legislation and political positions conveys the image that refugee affairs are a state or intergovernmental matter, an ˇ°officialˇ±, legal, political issue rather than for example a humanitarian question. Most of the articles published in both papers write about problems and conflicts in connection with refugee affairs. The negative media image has different significance for different topics. We argue that the question of refugee affairs is a topic where the image shown by the media is of great relevance: the media can be a more important source of information on this subject than personal contacts. %K Refugee %K Asylum seeker %K Refugee affairs %K Hungary %K Press %K Media analysis %K Content analysis %U http://e-migration.ro/jims/Vol2_no2_2008/Vicsek_Keszi_Markus_JIMS_Vol2_No2_2008.pdf