%0 Journal Article %T DERIVADOS DEL 2-FURILETILENO INDUCEN LA MUERTE CELULAR PROGRAMADA EN C¨¦LULAS CHO DE MAM¨ªFERO %A Hern¨¢ndez OC %A Pimentel H %A Llanes LL %A Fern¨¢ndez S %J Electronic Journal of Biomedicine %D 2012 %I Asociaci¨®n Red Uninet %X Aim: to evaluate the morphological and physiological changes induced by the synthesized products G1 and UC245 and the apoptotic process using CHO cell culture. Material and Methods: the Ca2+ uptake, DNA fragmentation in 1,8% agarose gel electrophoresis, nuclear morphology and mitotic index were studied as evidence of programated death cell. Results: the cytosolic Ca2+ increase and DNA fragmentation observed in association with nuclear morphology changes were consistent as molecular mark of apoptosis induced by the 2-furylethylene derivatives studied. Conclusions: these two synthesized products could confirm an inductor effect on apoptotic mechanism of this cell line. %K Bromine. Apoptosis. Furylethylene. DNA fragmentation. CHO. Mitotic index %U http://biomed.uninet.edu/2012/n2/hernandez.html