%0 Journal Article %T Immune hemolytic anemia in a patient with tuberculous lymphadenitis %A Nandennavar Manjunath %A Cyriac Sanju %A Krishnakumar %A Sagar T %J Journal of Global Infectious Diseases %D 2011 %I Medknow Publications %X Anemia in tuberculosis is usually anemia of chronic disease. Severe hemolytic anemia is exceedingly rare in tuberculosis patients. We report a patient diagnosed with tubercular lymphadenitis complicated by Coomb¡äs positive hemolytic anemia. Patient responded well to antituberculous treatment. Hematological parameters improved after initiation of antituberculosis treatment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case from India of an adult patient with tuberculous lymphadenitis presenting with Coomb¡äs positive hemolytic anemia. %K Immune hemolytic anemia %K Tuberculous lymphadenitis %K Anemia in tuberculosis %U http://www.jgid.org/article.asp?issn=0974-777X;year=2011;volume=3;issue=1;spage=89;epage=91;aulast=Nandennavar