%0 Journal Article %T Sui Generis Rights for the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions %A Bizer %A Kilian %A Lankau %A Matthias %A Spindler %A Gerald %A Zimbehl %A Philipp %J JIPITEC : Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law %D 2011 %I Digital Peer Publishing %X Within the international communitythere have been many calls for better protection oftraditional cultural expressions (TCEs), for which clas-sic instruments of intellectual property rights do notseem to fit. In response, at least five model laws havebeen advanced within the last 40 years. These are re-ferred to as sui generis because, though they gener-ally belong to the realm of intellectual property theystructurally depart from classic copyright law to ac-commodate the needs of the holders of TCEs. Thepurpose of this paper is to provide a well-foundedbasis for national policy makers who wish to imple-ment protection for TCEs within their country. This isachieved by systematically comparing and evaluatingeconomic effects that can be expected to result fromthese regulatory alternatives and a related system orprivate ordering. Specifically, we compare if and howprotection preferences of local communities are metas well as the social costs that are likely to arise fromthe different model laws %K Sui generis %K traditional cultural expressions %K policy %K private ordering %K law and economics %U https://www.jipitec.eu/issues/jipitec-2-2-2011/3083