%0 Journal Article %T Knowledge and Awareness about H1N1 Flu in Urban Adult Population of Vadodara, India %A Suresh Rathi %A Hardik Gandhi %A Mark Francis %J Electronic Physician %D 2011 %I Electronic Physician %X Objective: To investigate the knowledge and awareness about H1N1 flu in urban population of 18 years and aboveof Vadodara, India.Methods: A pre-designed self-rated instrument survey was conducted among 100 adults of 18 years and abovethrough a cross-sectional study design and a descriptive analysis was performed.Results: Present study showed that a substantial number of participants have adequate knowledge regardingcausative organism (87%), mode of spread (45%) and prevention (83%). Majority of participants (96%) wouldconsult doctor for management of H1N1 flu and also participants (82%) believe that hand washing is most importantpreventable measure for H1N1 flu.Conclusion: Although there is an appropriate knowledge and awareness regarding various aspects of H1N1 fluamong urban adult population still, active interventions are required in all areas of H1N1 flu pandemic not only toimprove their knowledge and awareness regarding H1N1 flu of urban adults but also for rural adults. %K H1N1 flu %K Pandemic %K Awareness %K Infectious Disease %K India %U http://ephysician.ir/2011/392-395.pdf