%0 Journal Article %T Precations of Qara Qoyunlu Cihansah to Sheikh Cuneyd %A Ay£¿e ATICI ARAYANCAN %J Journal of International Social Research %D 2010 %I Journal of International Social Research %X Qara Qoyunlu State struggle to the movements of Shie like Hurufism, religions of M¨¹ e¡¯ e and Safavid. One of these one is Safavid Religion, under the leadership of Sheikh C¨¹neyd,gain strength and begin the operation of nationalization so it begins threatening Qara Qoyunlu State. In fact, Sultan of Qara Qoyunlu Cihan ah realize this threaten and take acuse against Sheikh C¨¹neyd for prevent nationalization and political system of Safavid Religion. But, n spite of this precautions, in the years that followed Safavid State was set into Ag Qoyunlu and Qara Qoyunlu State by Sheikh smail and succeed their dreams. %K Qara Qoyunlu %K Savafid %K Sheikh Cuneyd %K Cihansah %U http://www.sosyalarastirmalar.com/cilt3/sayi11pdf/atici_ayse.pdf