%0 Journal Article %T Commencement of Teaching the Lesson of Ataturk¡¯s Principles and History of Turkish Revalution in Universities and the Present Situtation %A Ya£¿ar £¿Z¨¹£¿ET£¿N %A Senem NADAR %J Journal of International Social Research %D 2010 %I Journal of International Social Research %X Basis of the lesson specified as ¡°Ataturk¡¯s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution¡± dates back to the lesson named ¡°History of Revolutions¡± taught in Ankara Law School in 1925. That lesson had undertaken an important duty in terms of understanding and explicating the Turkish Revolution. In 1933, ¡°Ataturk¡¯s Principles and History of Revolution¡± began to be taught methodically in universities by means of nk lap Tarihi Enstit¨¹s¨¹ (Institute of History of Revolution ) founded as subsidiary of stanbul University. In 1942, with the law no. 4204, responsibility of the lesson was assigned to T¨¹rk nk lap Tarihi Enstit¨¹s¨¹ (Institute of History of Turkish Revolution) associated with Faculty of Languages, History and Geography of Ankara University. Thus, the lesson of ¡°History of Revolution¡± was legalised.In the term starting from 27 May 1960, content of the lesson was modified and its name was changed to ¡°History of Turkish Revolution and The Regime of Turkish Republic¡±. Name of the lesson was changed to ¡°History of Turkish Upheaval (T¨¹rk Devrim Tarihi)¡± in 1968, to ¡°History of Turkish Revolution (T¨¹rk nk lap Tarihi)¡± in 1980 and finally to ¡°Ataturk¡¯s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution¡± in 1981. %K History of Revolutions %K The Regime of Turkish Republic %K History of Turkish Revolution %K Ataturk¡¯s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution %K Institute of History of Turkish Revolution. %U http://www.sosyalarastirmalar.com/cilt3/sayi11pdf/ozucetin_yasar_senemnadar.pdf