%0 Journal Article %T Actinomycosis of The Tongue: A Diagnostic Dilemma %A Aniece Chowdary %A Anirudh Kaul %A Surinder Atri* %J JK Science : Journal of Medical Education & Research %D 2010 %I JK Science %X Actinomycosis is a bacterial, suppurative chronic infectious disease caused by Actinomyces israelli.Actinomycotic infections of the cervicofacial region are not uncommon , however Actinomycosis of tongueis rare. A mass that may mimic both benign and malignant neoplasms can be seen at clinical presentationand may mislead the diagnosis. We report a patient who presented with a tumor like tongue mass causingspeech disturbance and difficulty in swallowing, diagnosed as actinomycosis %K Actinomycosis %K Tongue Mass %U http://www.jkscience.org/archive/volume124/Actinomycosis%20of%20The%20Tongue%20A%20Diagnostic%20Dilemma.pdf