%0 Journal Article %T E-banking service quality: gaps in the Qatari banking industry %A Norizan M. Kassim %J Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce %D 2005 %I ARRAY Development %X Financial liberalization and technology revolution have allowed the developments of new and more efficient delivery and processing channels as well as more innovative products and services in banking industry. Banking institutions are facing competition not only from each other but also from non-bank financial intermediaries as well as from alternative sources of financing, such as the capital markets. Another strategic challenge facing banking institutions today is the growing and changing needs and expectations of consumers in tandem with increased education levels and growing wealth. Consumers are becoming increasingly discerning and have become more involved in their financial decisions. For this reason, they are demanding a broader range of products and services at more competitive prices through more efficient and convenient channels. This study investigates the discrepancy between customer's expectation and perception towards the e-banking services. %U http://www.arraydev.com/commerce/JIBC/2005-08/KassimTry.asp