%0 Journal Article %T Impact of the School Experience Courses on Special Educational Needs Teachers¡¯ Sense of Self-Efficacy %A Y¨¹cel £¿KS¨¹Z %A Kerem CO£¿KUN %J Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty %D 2012 %I Ahi Evran University %X This study aimed to investigate the impact of the school experience courses on prospective special educational needs teachers¡¯ sense of self-efficacy. The study was conducted with 96 prospective teachers studying at Ondokuz Mayis University, Ankara University and Gazi University. Pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test was employed. The prospective teachers¡¯ sense of self-efficacy was measured with ¡°Turkish Version of Teachers¡¯ Sense of Efficacy Scale¡± developed by Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy (2001) and adapted into Turkish Language by Capa, Cak ro lu ve Sarikaya (2005). The data were analyzed through the independent t-test, the dependent t-test and Mann Whitney U Test and test at .05 significance level. The analysis revealed that the school experience courses increased the prospective teachers¡¯ sense of efficacy, the impact of the school experience courses on the prospective teachers ¡¯ sense of efficacy didn¡¯t change according to gender but it had more impact on the prospective teachers graduated from vocational high-school. %K School experience course %K Teacher self-efficacy %K Special educational needs teacher. %U http://kefad.ahievran.edu.tr/archieve/pdfler/Cilt13Sayi2/JKEF_13_2_2012_131-155.pdf