%0 Journal Article %T Attitudes of the Students Studying at Kafkas University Private Primary EFL Classroom towards Storytelling and Motivation %A Gencer Elk£¿l£¿£¿ %A Catherine Ak£¿a %J Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies %D 2008 %I Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies %X In order to determine their motivation for learning English as a foreign language;their preferred learning activities; and, in particular, their attitudes towards learningEnglish through the medium of storytelling, a questionnaire was administered to 21students from the 4th year of Kafkas University private primary school in Kars, Turkey.The results show that both story telling and grammar were perceived as very enjoyableby a majority of the participants, 71.43% and 52.38% respectively. Audio and visualteaching aids and comprehension questions were found to make a substantialcontribution towards facilitating understanding of the stories. The participantsdemonstrated various types of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation towards learningEnglish, in particular the belief that English would be useful, in some unspecified way,in the future (52.38% of respondents). The most popular learning activities were foundto be first language games, second acting out the stories, and third the storiesthemselves. The least popular learning activities were found to be tests and writing.However, 47.62% of participants specified that they did not dislike any of their learningactivities. The pedagogical implications of the findings are discussed. %K stories %K storytelling %K children %K young learners %K motivation %K Kafkas University Private Primary School %U http://www.jlls.org/Issues/Volume%204/No.1/gelkilic_cakca.pdf