%0 Journal Article %T Encounters with a student with persistent vegetative state syndrome %A Michael J¨¹rgen Franz %J Empirische Sonderp£¿dagogik %D 2009 %I Pabst Science Publishers %X Juveniles in a persistent vegetative state are still threatened by isolation and marginalization. The article presented below describes the scholastic integration process of a female student with apallic syndrome into a school for children with learning difficulties that is focussing on mental development. Through an elementary individual support, based on promoting communication and relationship building skills in the famework of home schooling, the student continually expands her scope of action and experience. Eventually she hourly enriches her reference class in order to get in contact with same-aged juveniles via musical interactions and thus participating in an individual academic program. %K scholastic integration %K home schooling %K apallic syndrome %K promotion of communication and relationship building skills %K female student with persistent vegetative state syndrome %U http://www.psychologie-aktuell.com/fileadmin/download/esp/2-2009/franz.pdf