%0 Journal Article %T CARACTERIZA O F¨ªSICO - QU¨ªMICA DA FIBRA DE COCO VERDE PARA A ADSOR O DE METAIS PESADOS EM EFLUENTE DE IND¨²STRIA DE TINTAS %A Kaio Masiel Dema da Silva %A Luciana Cristina SOTO HEREK REZENDE %A Rosangela Bergamasco %A Cynthia Algayaer da Silva %J Engevista %D 2013 %I Universidade Federal Fluminense %X The pollution caused by the heavy metals presents in industrial effluents has increased in lastdecades, thus raising the concern of the industries to treat their waste correctly, plus the search for lowcosttechniques. It has registered a significant increase in technological research with the use of biomassas biosorbent materials of metals and organic compounds due to the adsorptive properties, abundanceand being a renewable source. Aiming the high demand for new biomass held on physic-chemicalcharacterization of coconut fiber in nature, because it presents porous morphology and rich in carboxyl,hydroxyl, carbonyl among other functional groups responsible for adsorption. Subsequently we carried outthe treatment of effluent from industry water-based paints by using the treatment of Merci (2010) whichis based on the application of green coconut fiber in nature, in order to assess the ability of adsorption ofmetal ions for proposing an alternative biosorbent for the treatment of wastewater of paint industries. Theresults of chemical analysis showed that coconut fiber has the suitable characteristics for the process of heavymetals biosorption in effluents water-based and can be used as an alternative to the processes of wastewatertreatment. %K Biosorption %K green coconut fiber %K heavy metals %K effluent %U http://www.uff.br/engevista/seer/index.php/engevista/article/view/387/220