%0 Journal Article %T Remo o de atrazina e metab車litos pela filtra o lenta com leito de areia e carv o ativado granular Removal of atrazine and metabolites through slow filtration by sand and granular activated carbon %A Edumar Ramos Cabral Coelho %A Luis Di Bernardo %J Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental %D 2012 %I Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering %X A atrazina (ATZ)谷 um herbicida largamente utilizado no mundo, sendo encontrada associada aos seus produtos de degrada o em 芍guas superficiais e subterraneas. Pertence 角 classe das s-triazinas e, juntamente com os metab車litos clorados deetilatrazina (DEA) e deisopropilatrazina (DIA), possui potencial carcinog那nico e toxicidade como disruptores end車crinos. A limita o dos processos que empregam a coagula o qu赤mica na remo o de ATZ, a conhecida capacidade do carv o ativado em remover microcontaminantes em 芍gua e o risco que a ATZ e seus metab車litos apresentam 角 sa迆de motivaram o estudo da filtra o lenta com leito de areia e carv o ativado granular. Os resultados apontaram a efici那ncia do processo de filtra o lenta com camada intermedi芍ria de carv o ativado granular na remo o de ATZ e a limita o deste na remo o dos metab車litos DEA, DIA e deetilhidroxiatrazina (DEHA). Atrazine (ATZ) is widely used as herbicide, commonly found in association to its degradation products in surface water and groundwater. It belongs to the class of s-triazines and together with the chlorinated metabolites dieethylatrazine (DEA) and deisopropilatrazine (DIA) have carcinogenic potential and toxicity as endocrine disruptors. The limitation of the processes employing chemical coagulation in the removal of atrazine, the known ability of activated carbon to remove microcontaminants in water and the risk that atrazine and the potential toxicity to human health of its metabolits motivated the study of slow sand filtration bed combined with granular activated carbon. The results showed the high efficiency of the slow filtration process with intermediate layer of granular activated carbon in the removal of atrazine and its limitation on the removal of the metabolites DEA, DIA and diethylhidroxiatrazine (DEHA). %K atrazina %K filtra o lenta %K carv o ativado granular %K metab車litos %K atrazine %K slow sand filtration %K granular activated carbon %K metabolites %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-41522012000300003