%0 Journal Article %T PRODU O DE ¨¢CIDO C¨ªTRICO POR ASPERGILLUS NIGER: AVALIA O DE DIFERENTES FONTES DE NITROG¨ºNIO E DE CONCENTRA O DE SACAROSE %A Neivair Sponchiado Pastore %A Salah Mahmud Hasan %A Denize Aparecida Zempulski %J Engevista %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal Fluminense %X The aim of this work was the production of citric acid by submerged fermentation in a syntheticmedium enriched with sucrose using the fungus Aspergillus niger under different nitrogen resources likeammonium sulfate, urea and peptone. The fermentation was carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks and inbacteriological incubator. It was observed the production of citric acid in all the fermented mediums. Theuse of peptone associated to the utilization of ammonium sulfate in the Prescott & Dunn synthetic mediumshowed higher production (62.9 g/L.day of citric acid) under the studied conditions. It was also concludedthat the fermentation time of 24h was ideal for the higher process productivity. %K citric acid %K submerged fermentation %K Aspergillus niger %U http://www.uff.br/engevista/seer/index.php/engevista/article/view/306