%0 Journal Article %T Management of Soil as a Natural Resource in the Savinjska Statistical Region %A Milena Petauer %A M.Sc. %A Assistant %J Journal for Geography %D 2010 %I University of Maribor %X Animals, plants and microorganisms could not exist without soil, because without it life onEarth would not be possible. Thus we should always be concerned with preserving the soilcondition. This should be a personal, a municipal, as well as a national concern. Nevertheless,the role of soil is not sufficiently incorporated into the planning of sustainable development ofthe Savinjska statistical region, therefore more active approaches are needed in the field ofsoil management and protection (education, research, raising public awareness, soil protectionprograms, soil related educational excursions, etc.). %K soil %K natural resource %K soil degradation %K soil contamination %K soil management %K soil protection %K land use %U http://www.ff.uni-mb.si/zalozba-in-knjigarna/ponudba/zbirke-in-revije/revija-za-geografijo/clanki/stevilka-5-2-2010/052-02_petauer.pdf