%0 Journal Article %T REMO O DE ¨ªONS C¨¢DMIO DE EFLUENTES L¨ªQUIDOS ATRAV¨¦S DE T¨¦CNICAS ELETROQU¨ªMICAS UTILIZANDO TELAS DE A O-CARBONO COMO CATODO %A Lisiane Heinen Fernandes %A Fernando Benedicto Mainier %A Luciane Pimentel Costa Monteiro %J Engevista %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal Fluminense %X Actually, much has been discussed about water pollution by heavy metals. Industrial effluentscontaining this type of metal can become a serious problem to the environment, specially, when not properlytreated. Among these heavy metals there is the cadmium, a highly toxic element, bioaccumulative, the causeof many diseases in human. Actually, is the seventh place among the toxic substances with the major riskof causing damage to human. This paper aims to show some characteristics of this element and suggest asimple and effective treatment for the removal of cadmium ions from simulated wastewater. As a result ofthe experiments, it was gotten a removal of 98% of cadmium ions from studied effluents and also the factorsthat affected the removal process. %K cadmium %K heavy metals removal %K industrial contaminations %U http://www.uff.br/engevista/seer/index.php/engevista/article/view/311/188