%0 Journal Article %T The European Court of Human RightsĄ¯ Lautsi Decision: Context, Contents, Consequences %A Gabriel Andreescu %A Liviu Andreescu %J Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies %D 2010 %I Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies %X The paper discusses the context, substance and likely implications of the European Court of Human RightsĄ¯ very recent but, in our view, historic decision in the case of Lautsi v. Italy. The article offers an outline of the case and of the decisionĄ¯s motivation, a presentation of the responses, and a brief discussion of its relevance to the similar Romanian case. We examine in some detail the objections leveled against the ruling, track the progress of the CourtĄ¯s relevant jurisprudence on the issue, and suggest some possible consequences. %K freedom of religion %K religious manifestations %K religious displays %K crucifixes %K public schools %K European Court of Human Rights %K rights of the child %K margin of appreciation %K subsidiarity %U http://jsri.ro/ojs/index.php/jsri/article/view/26