%0 Journal Article %T HEALTH AND HYGIENIC ACTIVITIES OF DALITS, A SPECIAL REFERENCE WITH ARUNTHATHIARS IN WESTERN TAMIL NADU %A R.Saranya Devi %A N.R.Suresh Babu %J Journal of Management and Science %D 2011 %I Non Olympic Times %X Health is a common right to people in all aspects. According to Article 25 of the Universal Declarations ofHuman Rights, everyone has the right to a standard of living, adequate for the health of himself, includingfood, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary services. Though ¡°health is wealth¡±, a popular sayingin almost every family world over, one seldom pays attention to the fact that it is the wealth. It determinesthat health and access to health care without wealth can remain merely an illusion. In India Caste systemplays an important role in distribution of power and adequate services. In it, Dalits are most depressed andunder drowned people, especially in rural areas they don¡¯t even have a permanent work and sufficientincome and they do not acquire an adequate service of health. Dalits don¡¯t have basic knowledge towardshealth care and preventive measures and they don¡¯t have a proper health care service too. This conclusionhowever raises another obvious question i.e., whether one¡¯s social or caste background determines hiseconomic status, and consequently his access to better health care services as well. Without an economicstability and basic knowledge towards health, how they will take care of themselves and their family?Dalits are treated as untouchables till now then who will direct their health care activities? Then what isthe part of government in their health progress? What is their present socio- economic and educationalcondition? What is their attitude towards disease and preventive measures? Who will be more responsiblein families¡¯ health? Answering these questions becomes more crucial not only to understand the healthstatus of any community or caste but also to identify the various factors responsible for the same.The main focus of the study is to study the Socio- Economic condition and educational status, tounderstand their health condition and Preventive Measures performed to protect their health and to knowabout the responsibility of the government and a family member in their family members health. %U http://www.jms.nonolympictimes.org/abstract.htm