%0 Journal Article %T Male Voices in Female Bodies: The Case of Chenjerai Hove¡¯s Androcentrism %A Bhala Timothy %A Kadodo Webster %A Bhebe Cordial %J English Language and Literature Studies %D 2013 %I %R 10.5539/ells.v3n1p47 %X The article is an analysis of Chenjerai Hove¡¯s three novels in English namely Bones (1988), Shadows (1991) and Ancestors (1996). It argues that while Hove, to some extent, attempts to visibilize women in a predominantly male dominated society, he does not do much to suggest that women have the capacity to fully liberate themselves from patriarchal dominance. Hove is more of a pacifier who is not convincing in his quest for the emancipation of the African woman. This conclusion comes from a close analysis of Hove¡¯s depiction of female characters in the three novels mentioned above. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ells/article/view/23967