%0 Journal Article %T Impact of tissue heterogeneity corrections in stereotactic body radiation therapy treatment plans for lung cancer %A Herman Tania De %A Gabrish Heather %A Herman Terence %A Vlachaki Maria %J Journal of Medical Physics %D 2010 %I Medknow Publications %X This study aims at evaluating the impact of tissue heterogeneity corrections on dosimetry of stereotactic body radiation therapy treatment plans. Four-dimensional computed tomography data from 15 low stage non-small cell lung cancer patients was used. Treatment planning and dose calculations were done using pencil beam convolution algorithm of Varian Eclipse system with Modified Batho Power Law for tissue heterogeneity. Patient plans were generated with 6 MV co-planar non-opposing four to six field beams optimized with tissue heterogeneity corrections to deliver a prescribed dose of 60 Gy in three fractions to at least 95% of the planning target volume, keeping spinal cord dose <10 Gy. The same plans were then regenerated without heterogeneity correction by recalculating previously optimized treatment plans keeping identical beam arrangements, field fluences and monitor units. Compared with heterogeneity corrected plans, the non-corrected plans had lower average minimum, mean, and maximum tumor doses by 13%, 8%, and 6% respectively. The results indicate that tissue heterogeneity is an important determinant of dosimetric optimization of SBRT plans. %K Heterogeneity corrections %K NSCLC %K SBRT %U http://www.jmp.org.in/article.asp?issn=0971-6203;year=2010;volume=35;issue=3;spage=170;epage=173;aulast=Herman