%0 Journal Article %T El pensamiento del solfeo dalcroziano, mucho m芍s que r赤tmica [The thinking of sol-fa by Dalcroze, much more than eurhythmics] %A Pilar Lago Castro %A Julia Gonz芍lez Belmonte %J Ensayos : Revista de la Facultad de Educacion de Albacete %D 2012 %I Facultad de Educaci車n de Albacete %X Resumen: Jacques Dalcroze, compositor y pedagogo suizo, m芍s conocido por su m谷todo de ense anza musical llamado R赤tmica Dalcroze, no s車lo se dedic車 al estudio de los elementos r赤tmicos mediante el movimiento por el espacio (aspecto m芍s popular del m谷todo), si no que su preocupaci車n por elaborar una ense anza musical adecuada le condujo a crear su propia t谷cnica de solfeo musical. Este art赤culo examina el concepto que Dalcroze ten赤a acerca del entrenamiento auditivo y su aplicaci車n en la educaci車n musical, con el fin de desarrollar el o赤do interno y conseguir un equilibrio en la relaci車n mente-cuerpo de forma consciente. El objetivo de este an芍lisis es mostrar el desarrollo de habilidades musicales, como la audici車n, a trav谷s de la m迆sica, y su aplicaci車n en las aulas de Lenguaje Musical de un conservatorio llevado a cabo de forma m芍s efectiva y creativa. Abstract: Jacques Dalcroze, a swiss composer and educator, famous for his musical method called Dalcroze Eurhythmic not only devoted to the study of rhythmic elements with movements through the space (the most popular aspect of this method) but also its concerns to develop a proper musical education which led him to create his own sol-fa technique. This article examines the concept that Jacques Dalcroze had about ear training and their application in music education, with the goal of develop the inner ear and achieve a balance of mind-body relationship in a conscious way. The objective of this analysis is to show the development of musical skills, such as listening, through music, and its implementation in the Musicianship's classrooms in a conservatory can be conducted more effectively and creatively. %K Dalcroze %K m谷todo %K audici車n %K solfeo %K escalas %K educaci車n musical - Dalcroze %K method %K ear training %K sol-fa %K scale %K musical education. %U http://www.revista.uclm.es/index.php/ensayos/article/view/241