%0 Journal Article %T Future Global Soybean Yield Projections %A Kanichiro Matsumura %A Kenji Sugimoto %J Energy and Environment Research %D 2011 %I %R 10.5539/eer.v1n1p111 %X This paper introduces the relationships between climate conditions and global scale soybean yields and their future projections until 2050. Using a combination of historical datasets and climate model projections, yield responses to temperature and precipitation change were discussed together with input of fertilizer. Future climate projection is based on downscale dataset from IPCC, A1 scenario. Datasets used in this study include spatial information but not yield data. To improve the accuracy of estimation, the specific vegetation types were used to obtain climate conditions on crop area. The relationships between soybean yield and climate conditions on crop area were conducted for soybean producing countries and future global soybean yield until 2050 are discussed. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/eer/article/view/13028