%0 Journal Article %T Reference Sources and Services in the Humanities %A Shiow-jyu Lu %J Journal of Library Science %D 1996 %I %X The paper is to discuss the meaning, the nature, and the subject fields of the Humanities; to study the information needs of the Humanists; and to introduce some important reference sources in the Humanities.The paper indicates the future trends of reference services in the Humanities are as follows : to develop on-line searching, to collect various kinds library materials, to educate and train specialized librarians on Humanities, as well as to march towards virtual library era in networking environment. Under such circumstances, we hope that both the library school and the library could educate and train librarian effective and efficient enough to provide the readers with excellent services in the future.[Article content in Chinese] %U http://jlis.lis.ntu.edu.tw/article/o11-1.pdf