%0 Journal Article %T Pneumonic varicella a in patient with inactive hepatitis B: Case report %A Erkan Yula %A £¿zcan Deveci %A Ersin £¿¨¹kr¨¹ Erden %A T¨¹rkan Toka £¿zer %J Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases %D 2012 %I Association of Health Investigations %X Although rarely observed, varicella zoster virus (VZV)-related pneumonia is the most serious complication of the virus,which commonly affects adults and causes high mortality rates. In this study, we describe a case of VZV pneumonia in a29-year-old male who is an inactive Hepatitis B virus carrier. The patient presented with a 5-day history of fatigue, sorethroat, fever, cough and mild dyspnea. He also had an exanthematous vesicular rash. The rash had spread all over hisbody surface including the hairy skin. But he was not febrile and vital signs were normal. The skin examination exhibiteda diffuse polymorphic rash with papules/vesicles, pustules and crusty lesions over the whole body. Serological findingswere as follows: VZV IgM positive, VZV IgG positive and HBsAg positive. His chest X-ray showed bilateral pneumonicinfiltrations. The patient was prescribed valacyclovir and clarithromycin. The skin lesions disappeared after ten days andthe patient made a full recovery. We conclude that an early diagnosis of VZV pneumonia, which rarely occurs in adultpatients and its effective treatment with antivirals may prevent the development of serious complications. J MicrobiolInfect Dis 2012; 2(2): 68-71Key words: pneumonia, Varicella-zoster virus, hepatitis B virus, adult patient %K pneumonia %K Varicella-zoster virus %K hepatitis B virus %K adult patient %U http://www.jcmid.org/upload/sayi/8/JMID-00564.pdf