%0 Journal Article %T Contribuciones geogr¨¢ficas al desarrollo rural del Per¨² %A Hildegardo C¨®rdova Aguilar %J Espacio y Desarrollo %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad Cat¨®lica del Per¨² %X Geographic Contributions to the Rural Development of Per¨² Traditionally, Geography is understood as an academic science which main function is to provide basic knowledge about territories but of less use for practical means; that is why it has been associated to History and therefore the least interest given by the Latin American policy makers when designing educational programs. The objective of this paper is to show that geographers are significantly contributing to sustainable development issues in different geographical environments, be these urban and rural. To do this I will show an experience on sustainable rural development in the Sierra of Piura, as an example of the application of the geographic and environmental knowledge, sensitizing the rural people to their ecosystems¡¯ potential and the strategies for action in front of climate change. In a preliminary study there were identified the structural problems that impede sustainable development by information workshops and awareness to the teachers and community and municipal leaders. In a second stage we are working with peasants of two different ecological zones to inform them of their potential in plant resources and the ways how they may take advantage to put them at the urban markets, thus increasing their economic assets. To do this, we propose to help them in searching for those markets and provide advice in order to get just prices for their products. It is too early to quantitatively talk on the results because plants have a production cycle that needs to be experimented before they are distributed to the final stakeholders. Of course, this research is interdisciplinary and the geographers¡¯ participation is due to their fine knowledge of the ecosystems and places where the experience is being done. Tradicionalmente, la geograf¨ªa es entendida como una ciencia acad¨¦mica que funciona bien proporcionando conocimientos b¨¢sicos sobre los territorios, pero de poca aplicaci¨®n pr¨¢ctica; de all¨ª su asociaci¨®n con la historia y el escaso inter¨¦s que muestran los estrategas de pol¨ªticas educativas en Am¨¦rica Latina. El objetivo de este art¨ªculo es mostrar que los ge¨®grafos vienen contribuyendo de manera muy significativa en temas de desarrollo sostenible en los diferentes ¨¢mbitos de los espacios geogr¨¢ficos, sean urbanos o rurales. Se tomar¨¢ una experiencia de desarrollo rural aplicada a la sierra de Piura como muestra de la aplicaci¨®n de los conocimientos geogr¨¢ficos ambientales, sensibilizando a las poblaciones rurales acerca de los potenciales de sus ecosistemas y de las estrategias de acci¨®n fre %K Desarrollo Rural Sostenible %K Sierra de Piura %K Plantas Nativas %U http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/espacioydesarrollo/article/view/3482