%0 Journal Article %T Computational study of diffusivities in diamond Ge-Si alloys %A Cui S.L. %A Zhang L.J. %A Zhang W.B. %A Du Y. %J Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B : Metallurgy %D 2012 %I Technical Faculty, Bor %R 10.2298/jmmb111102021c %X A variety of diffusivities in Ge-Si alloys available in the literature were critically reviewed. On the basis of the critically reviewed literature data, the diffusion parameters for self diffusivities and impurity diffusivities in diamond Ge-Si alloys were determined by considering the diffusion mechanism. A phenomenological treatment of the diffusivities in Ge-Si alloys were conducted. The finally obtained atomic mobilities can reproduce most of the diffusivities in diamond Ge-Si alloys as well as the concentration profiles of Ge-Si binary diffusion couples. In addition, the Manning modification on Darken Equation in diamond structure was also tested by using the presently obtained atomic mobilities. %K Ge-Si alloys %K diffusion coefficients %K atomic mobilities %K Darken-Manning relation %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1450-5339/2012/1450-53391200021C.pdf