%0 Journal Article %T Reply about ¡°Comparison of microbiological results of deep tissue biopsy and superficial swab in diabetic foot infections¡± %A Fatma Bozkurt %A Serda G¨¹ls¨¹n %A Recep Tekin %A Salih Ho£¿o£¿lu %J Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases %D 2012 %I Association of Health Investigations %X We are appreciated the comments of Turhan V, etal. on our study about diabetic foot. The authorsclaimed that using superficial swab cultures leadsunnecessary broadening of the anti-microbialcoverage and may both lead to resistance to antimicrobialdrugs and to an increased incidenceof MRSA. As well-known, the use of broad-spectrumantibiotics in diabetic foot infections at thebeginning is essential. According to the cultureresults to go to de-escalation were suggested bythe authorities and guidelines. %K According %U http://www.jcmid.org/upload/sayi/8/JMID-00567.pdf