%0 Journal Article %T RESPOSTA ¨¤ DIVERSIDADE: POL¨ªTICAS AFIRMATIVAS PARA POVOS TRADICIONAIS, A EXPERI¨ºNCIA DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PAR¨¢ %A JANE FELIPE BELTR£¿O %A MAIN¨¢ JAILSON SAMPAIO CUNHA %J Espa£¿o Amer¨ªndio %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul %X Research analyzes the Admissions Program and the new reality of affirmative action measures at the Federal University of Par¨¢, its context and implications. A special interest regards higher education and cultural diversity. Study reflects upon the goals of such policy; the different arguments among actors involved; the institutional conduct; and the benefits and difficulties faced to implement the program. The principle that guides the study understands the rights of indigenous populations in their access to University and sees the measures as a victory of the indigenous movement. Challenges remain, though, at two levels: first, it is necessary to develop policy to face institutional and social resistance to the implementation of the program; second, it is paramount to support the indigenous students in their needs in their new academic life. %K affirmative action %K higher education %K cultural diversity %K indigenous peoples. %U http://seer.ufrgs.br/EspacoAmerindio/article/view/21822/14464