%0 Journal Article %T La force de l¡¯impact. %A Anne Doquet %J EspacesTemps.net %D 2010 %I Association Espaces Temps.net %X Through the evolution of her research on tourism in Mali, the author illustrates the influence of the theory of impact that marked the majority of French work dealing with tourism. She shows how this paradigm unconsciously led her apprehension of the tour guides and the cultural policies in Mali. Without denying the legitimacy of the use of the term ¡°impact¡± in situations of domination inherent to the tourism context, she warns against the theoretical blindness generated by this paradigm. M¨ºme si une s¨¦rie de publications r¨¦centes (notamment plusieurs num¨¦ros sp¨¦ciaux de revues) t¨¦moignent d¡¯une progressive l¨¦gitimit¨¦ du sujet, la question du tourisme a connu dans les sciences humaines fran aises un d¨¦marrage difficile. Sans en retracer l¡¯historique, je voudrais m¡¯attarder sur l¡¯un des facteurs explicatifs de cet essor laborieux, que ce soit en sociologie (R¨¦au, 2007) ou en anthropologie (Doquet et Evrard, 2008). Le poids de la th¨¦orie de l¡¯impact, ... %U http://www.espacestemps.net/document7988.html