%0 Journal Article %T Traitement hormonal de substitution en 2007. N¨¦cessit¨¦ de revisiter les risques %A Luzuy F %J Journal f¨¹r Menopause %D 2007 %I Krause & Pachernegg GmbH %X Hormonal replacement therapy in 2007: views about risks and benefits. The results of the Women s Health Initiative (WHI), a randomized trial conducted on older post-menopausal women, provided no evidence for benefi cial cardiovascular effect of CEE treatment and negative effect on breast cancer. There have been numerous explanations put forth for that unexpected outcome. The two most consistent explanations relate to time since menopause ("the timing hypothesis") and the need for a lower estrogen dose and different progestogen. Randomized controlled trials of hormone therapy submit a cohort of selected women to either a standard product or placebo. In clinical practice it is advised that women should be assessed as individuals; that is, their personal and medical profi les should be evaluated in order to choose a regimen that will maximize benefit and minimize risk. %K Hormonersatztherapie %K Menopause %U http://www.kup.at/kup/pdf/6858.pdf