%0 Journal Article %T Comment sont regard¨¦s les films sur la Grande Guerre patriotique dans la Russie actuelle ? How are Films about the Great Patriotic War Viewed in Today¡¯s Russia? %A Myriam D¨¦sert %J Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies %D 2011 %I Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Soci¨¦t¨¦s et les Institutions Post-Sovi¨¦tiques %X The promoting of a patriotic cinema by the Russian state favored a new production, which appropriates in various ways this topos of the Soviet cin¨¦ma which is the patriotic Great War. The variety of the films is actually coupled with a big heterogeneousness of the reactions of the public; therefore the analysis of the comments of the Internet users allows to identify several fractures as for the representation of the war and for the expectations of the spectators. This study illustrates the lack of consensus around the war, it allows to seize the modulations and inflections of the patriotic theme and to understand the indignation, that met Mikhalkov's film Burnt by the Sun 2. %K Great Patriotic War %K Memory %K Cinema %K Soviet Union %K Russia %K Sociology %K History %U http://pipss.revues.org/3885