%0 Journal Article %T WITTGENSTEIN AND ETHICAL NORMS:THE QUESTION OF INEFFABILITY VISITED AND REVISITED %A ANNE-MARIE CHRISTENSEN %J Ethic@ : an International Journal for Moral Philosophy %D 2004 %I Universitade Federal de Santa Catarina %X In the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus we find Wittgenstein s first and most substantial published investigation of ethics. I will argue that if the ethical sections of the Tractatus are seen in connection with a particular concept of showing, they then reveal a coherent and radical alternative to traditional conceptions of ethics; an alternative which sheds light on Wittgenstein s claim that ethics cannot be expressed and the necessity of ethics. But I furthermore want to argue that the reasons leading Wittgenstein to a demand for silence in ethics falls away if one looks at the later investigations of necessity which he makes in On Certainty. %K Ethics %K Ineffability %K Necessity %K Normativity %K Norms %K Silence %K Tractatus %K On Certainty %U http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/ethic@/ET32ART3.pdf