%0 Journal Article %T Warburg and Poliakoff, Movement and Style (a contribution to the contemporary study of images and paintings) %A Jo£¿o Ferreira Vale %J Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts %D 2012 %I Portuguese Catholic University, Porto %R 10.7559/citarj.v4i1.41 %X The foundation of painting on its sources or ¡°influences¡± serves to achieve its integration in a group of reference from which painting, any true painting that aims at the present, can and should take part. This work aims at an updating of the analysis these influences from the means that serve as references to the pictorial analysis and creation, the images (reproductions) and the paintings themselves, by crossing two major references of Art History and Modern Painting (Aby Warburg and Serge Poliakoff). %K Movement %K Style %K Images %K Paintings %U http://artes.ucp.pt/citarj/article/view/41