%0 Journal Article %T COA O E AUTONOMIA EM KANT %A CESAR AUGUSTO RAMOS %J Ethic@ : an International Journal for Moral Philosophy %D 2008 %I Universitade Federal de Santa Catarina %X The purpose of this article is to present the Kantian concept of self-coercion (Selbstzwang) from theanalysis created by Kant in the faculty of volition, distinguishing in it the face of will that has the propertyof autonomy (Wille) and the face of will (Willkščr) that has the power or the faculty of choice. Ourhypothesis is that this distinction makes more visible the problem of coercion (internal coercion) as animportant element in the articulation between freedom and obedience in morality, allowing the coexistenceof coercion and obedience and of obedience and autonomy. The Kantian solution to these apparentparadoxes consists in thinking the human will or the faculty of volition at the same time as autonomous,spontaneous and obedient. %K autonomy %K coercion %K will. %U http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/ethic@/et71art4.pdf