%0 Journal Article %T Without losing the majesty: ※imperial professions§ in Brazil Sem perder a majestade: ※profiss es imperiais§ no Brasil %A Hustana Maria Vargas %J Estudos de Sociologia %D 2010 %I Universidade Estadual Paulista %X This article discusses the especial insertion of the so-called imperial professions 每 Medicine, Law and Engineering 每 in our country, by highlighting some elements of its constitution and the present situation of these careers in a moment of infl ection in the educational politics for higher education in Brazil. On this topic, it questions: would the present expansion of higher education vacancies alter the position of importance of these careers? This question is examined from the socioeconomic profi le of the future professionals of these areas in comparison to the professionals of other areas. At last, the article raises the question of career hierarchy in its market expression, as well as in the differentiation and internal hierarchization of the higher education field. Keywords: Sociology of professions. Higher education. Esse artigo discute a inser o particular das chamadas profi ss es imperiais 每 Medicina, Direito e Engenharia 每 em nosso pa赤s, destacando elementos de sua constitui o e da situa o atual dessas carreiras em um momento de infl ex o na pol赤tica educacional para o ensino superior no Brasil. Sobre esse ponto, indaga: a expans o de vagas verifi cada atualmente no ensino superior alteraria sua posi o de destaque? Essa quest o 谷 examinada a partir do perfi l socioecon mico dos futuros profi ssionais dessas 芍reas, em compara o com o de outras carreiras. Por fi m, levanta a quest o da hierarquia de carreiras em sua express o de mercado, bem como na diferencia o e hierarquiza o interna do pr車prio campo do ensino superior. Palavras-chave: Sociologia das profi ss es. Ensino superior. %K Sociologia das profi ss es %K Ensino superior %U http://seer.fclar.unesp.br/estudos/article/view/2553