%0 Journal Article %T DO VALOR DA VIDA SENCIENTE E AUTOCONSCIENTE %A Milene Consenso Tonetto %J Ethic@ : an International Journal for Moral Philosophy %D 2004 %I Universitade Federal de Santa Catarina %X The main aim of this paper is to analyze Singer s view on the value of human and nonhuman life. First, it reconstructs the argumentation developed by Singer in the article Animals and the Value of Life where he discusses whether it is morally right to take nonhuman life for food or scientific experiments. Second, it analyzes different positions such as: religions traditions; classical philosophers like Ren¨¦ Descartes, Jeremy Bentham; contemporary philosophers like Tom Regan, Michael Tooley; feminist philosophers like Nel Noodings, Carol Gilligan. Finally, it analyzes the concept of person used by Singer and makes some critical comments on such a view. %K Utilitarianism %K speciesism %K person %K inherent value %K right to life %K Peter Singer %U http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/ethic@/ET33ART1.pdf