%0 Journal Article %T Pharmacognostic Standardization and Quantitative Estimation of some Isolated Phytoconstituents from Croton oblongifolius Roxb. %A Mandal L %A Bose S* %J Journal of PharmaSciTech %D 2011 %I Trinity Trust %X Croton oblongifolius Roxb. (Euphorbiaceae) is a weed available all over in the agricultural fields of West Bengal villages. Traditionally this plant is used as wound healing drug in the Bengal villages. As there is less number of scientific information present, an attempt has been taken to search some important phytoconstituents and their amount which may act as marker compounds. Simultaneously, a preliminary standardization of this plant was performed by pharmacognostic, morphological and microscopical investigations. Here flavonoids, terpenoids and tannins were isolated and estimated to identify the marker compounds and different standardization parameters and their results were recorded for future requirements. %K Pharmacognostic standardization %K phytoconstituents %K Croton oblongifolius %U http://www.pharmascitech.in/admin/php/uploads/5_pdf.pdf