%0 Journal Article %T A TRIGONOMETRIC METHOD OF SOLVING THE HADWIGER- FINSLER INEQUALITY IN ACUTE TRIANGLE %A MIH¨¢LY BENCZE %A MARIUS DRAGAN %J Journal of Science and Arts %D 2012 %I Bibliotheca Publishing House %X In the paper [1] the authors proposed the following inequality:In any acute triangle are true the following inequality: a^2+b^2+c^2¡Ü2-¡Ì3/3-2¡Ì2[(a-b)^2+(b-c)^2+(c-a)^2]The aim of this paper is to give a trigonometric proof of the inequality (1) %K integral equation %K selfadjoint operator %K strongly positive linear operator. %U http://www.icstm.ro/DOCS/josa/josa_2012_4/a_06_Bencze_Dragan.pdf