%0 Journal Article %T Effect of pollination time on seed set in short glume sorghum in Yola, Nigeria %A D Bello %J Journal of SAT Agricultural Research %D 2008 %I International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics %X Studies on the effect of time of pollination on seed set and viability in short glume sorghum were conducted on theTeaching and Research Farm of the Department of CropProduction and Horticulture, Federal University ofTechnology (FUT), Yola, Nigeria. Two sorghum cultivarswere used. The treatments were six different timings onwhich controlled pollination was carried out, afteremasculating the female flowers. These timings included24, 27, 30, 48, 51 and 54 h. Data were collected on sevenparameters, namely number of seed set per time, weight of30 F1 seeds, percentage germination, vigor score, time to50% flowering, time to maturity and yield per plant tofurther establish seed viability. The data were subjected toanalysis of variance based on randomized complete blockdesign. Results showed that pollination conducted within27¨C48 h out-performed others conducted at other timingssuggesting therefore that 27¨C48 h as the right time toperform crosses on sorghum in Yola environment. %K SORGHUM BICOLOR %K NIGERIA %K SORGHUM CULTIVARS %U http://www.icrisat.org/Journal/Volume6/Sorgum_Millet/Bello.pdf