%0 Journal Article %T Rastafari: Alternative Religion and Resistance against ¡°White¡± Christianity %A J¨¦r¨¦mie Koubo Dagnini %J ¨¦tudes Caribe¨¦nnes %D 2011 %I Universit¨¦ Antilles-Guyane %R 10.4000/etudescaribeennes.3665 %X Depuis le d¨¦but du seizi¨¨me si¨¨cle, l¡¯histoire de la Jama que a successivement ¨¦t¨¦ associ¨¦e ¨¤ l¡¯esclavage, l¡¯¨¦vang¨¦lisation, la colonisation et le n¨¦o-colonialisme, ce qui a engendr¨¦ de nombreuses r¨¦volutions, ¨¦meutes et autres formes d¡¯agitation sociale. Les Jama cains noirs ont toujours v¨¦cu dans un ¨¦tat de r¨¦sistance, une mentalit¨¦ qui a donn¨¦ naissance, au d¨¦but des ann¨¦es 1930, ¨¤ une religion jama caine appel¨¦e rastafari. Le but de cet article n¡¯est pas seulement d¡¯¨¦tudier les origines et le symbolisme de rastafari, mais ¨¦galement de d¨¦finir le mouvement rasta comme une religion n¨¦e en r¨¦ponse l¨¦gitime ¨¤ l¡¯oppression et l¡¯¨¦vang¨¦lisation. En d¡¯autres termes, cette ¨¦tude analyse rastafari comme une version panafricaine et afrocentrique du christianisme blanc . Since the early sixteenth century, the history of Jamaica has been associated successively with slavery, Christian Evangelization, colonialism and neocolonialism, which gave rise to numerous revolutions, riots and various other forms of social unrest. Black Jamaicans have always lived in a constant state of resistance, a mentality that gave birth, in the early thirties, to a Jamaican religion called Rastafari. Besides studying the roots and symbolism of Rastafari, my paper is aimed at defining the Rasta movement as a religion born as a legitimate response to oppression and Christian Evangelization. In other words, my work examines Rastafari as a Pan-African and Afrocentric version of ¡°White¡± Christianity. %K Keywords : Africa %K the Bible %K Ethiopianism %K Evangelization %K Marcus Garvey %K Leonard Howell %K Pan-Africanism %K Rastafari %K Afrique %K la Bible %K l'¨¦thiopianisme %K ¨¦vang¨¦lisation %K Marcus Garvey %K L¨¦onard Howell %K Panafricanisme %K Rastafari %U http://etudescaribeennes.revues.org/3665