%0 Journal Article %T 十六世纪明朝社会转型失败原因探讨
An Analysis of the Failure of Social Transformation in Ming Dynasty of Sixteenth Century %A 余雪松 %A 蔡恒进 %A 徐恒 %A 吴怡萍 %J Emergence and Transfer of Wealth %P 62-67 %@ 2165-6398 %D 2012 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ETW.2012.24016 %X
本文从财富涌现和流转的角度分析了16世纪明朝的发展状况,指出明朝未能实现社会转型并崩溃的原因。以现代的眼光看,正确的模式应该是在农业、工商业等优势产业的基础上,通过自主创新来扩大优势,然后开拓海外市场赚取财富,并通过金融手段来透支未来的财富,从而实现社会转型。然而,明朝却错失了机会,最终在其人民的自我肯定需求得不到适当满足的状况下走向灭亡。<br/>The failure of social transformation of the 16th century Ming Dynasty is analyzed from the point of view of the emergence and transfer of wealth. In modern perspective, an appropriate model is to expand Ming’s advantage by independent innovation in its competitive industries like agriculture and handicrafts, to open up overseas markets to drain western wealth, and to overdraw future wealth through financial means in order to achieve social transformation. However, Ming Dynasty missed the opportunity to meet the self-as- sertiveness demands of its own people appropriately and perished in the end.
%K 社会转型;自我肯定需求;明朝;财富涌现与流转
Social Transformation %K Self-Assertiveness Demand %K Ming Dynasty %K Emergence and Transfer of Wealth %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=9226